- 64 bit operating systems should use the editor located in the bin64 folder as it loads faster and allows more memory storage.
- Custom comments can be made by creating a file named 'user.cfg'.
- For articles, guides and help visit: www.sdk.crydev.net
- Ensure the setting manager located in the 'tools' folder is green, as it compiles textures and cgfs when exporting.
- The 'game' folder consists of pak files which can be extracted. This allows the user to unlock materials if they want to work with them.
- 'AI Physics': switches to realtime mode, but without the player visible on screen.
- 'Console': shows errors and allows addition of comments. After clicking on the input bar, variables pop up showing all possible, valid comments.
- 'Export Selected Geometry to Obj': this option works with solids as well as brushes. By exporting it to obj, it can be easily imported in other softwares.
- 'Configuration Types': can be set to low if operating system is weak.
- 'Group': useful in organisation.
- 'Prefabs': like 'group' except after copying a selection, for example, three times and then deciding to modify it, the change will appear on all three copies. Groups are more individual entities.
- 'Skinning': good for video recording.
- 'X, Y Z XY': if one is selected, only that axis is able to move.
- 'Snap to Terrain' shortcut is ctrl + 1, 'Snap to Object' shortcut is ctrl + 2
- 'Selection': in search bar, can save a selection of objects under a name.
- Dragging and dropping windows/panels on top of one another avoids the problem of overcrowding on the screen. It combines the windows into one with panels on the bottom to switch between them. This applies to the console, roll up bar, material editor, database and flow graph.
- Customise > Keyboard: user can create a new toolbar by going into the panel, 'comments' > all comments > then dragging and dropping comment into the new toolbar above the viewport.
- Customise > Keyboard > 'Options' panel: 'show shortcut keys in screen tips', allows shortcut key to be visible when hovered over options on the toolbar.
- Customise > Keyboard > 'Keyboard' panel: where hotkeys can be created.
- Recommended to enable auto backup, by going into tools > preferences.
- Holding onto shift + a movement button (a,s,w,d): allows for faster movement.
- Alt + middle mouse button: rotating camera around 'invisble' point on the screen.
- Camera tag points: ctrl + f1 to save position, shift + f1 to load camera position. Possible to save different position under different keys, e.g. ctrl + f2 to save, shift + f2 to load. Useful when working on a large level.
User Interface Panels - Overview
- Ctrl + T: 'select objects', shows list of all objects in the scene.
- H: hide.
- F: freeze.
- 'Database' view > entity library: where you can create and physicalise entities.
- Shift + space: turn helpers on.
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