Friday, November 2, 2012

final submission

Strategy statement:
Rudin House’s main material is concrete, providing the structure with a simplified and unified look.
I particularly chose the Rudin House because of its surroundings, I felt it would be more well suited to my environment that I used from the first assignment. I plan on combining the two slight different contexts (rudin house= located “within a conventional central European private urbanization in the city [of France]”, ( - however I want to remain more focused on my own environment, with a few objects that humans would leave behind – though not too much as I assume 100 years after the extinction of human kind, majority of traces would be gone due to uncontrolled circumstances, such as animals, disasters and the weather.
For my later model (100 years on) I focused on the deterioration of its materials – plaster, wood and in particular, concrete. With earlier research, the key point i found about concrete was that they may expand, causing cracks in the infrastructure – becoming more brittle.
For my trailer I aim to show a comparison between the ‘new’ model and the ‘older’ model. I also aim to present Rudin House as a brittle structure, collapsing because of natural occurances that have unfolded in my landscape.



3ds Max: